So the new term at university came like a tsunami of busyness in the midst of my three part series on getting the enemy right. I promised that third part, and I hate not following through. But it’s not an easy part and I keep feeling my thoughts not entirely […]
In my last post, I suggested that the enemy that we should focus on (and which can unite most of us in opposition) is the “global system of dehumanization based on exploitation, fear and violence that co-opts the participation of masses of good people.” You might have noticed that this […]
It seems to me that if we want to find any passion and determination inside of ourselves (collectively or individually), we need to have some clear and shared sense of which enemy we are really wanting to fight. If we can find a common enemy that crosses political (or theological) […]
It seems to me that life is designed to be lived in the sweet spot. My first memory of the term comes from golf in which the “sweet spot” refers to that part of the face of the club that results in the perfect feel of the swing and response […]
I remember a moment in my teens when I was struck by the simple verse in the Gospel of John: “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14.9). I started asking myself some questions: Why had I formed an image of God in which a very distant and […]
Weak religion is a beautiful thing as long as, in spite of its imperfections, it resists the temptation to become hardened into bad religion. By “weak religion” I mean religious cultures that are necessarily flawed and imperfect, but flexible and alive. They will all slip occasionally into being “bad religions” […]
A recent trip to Winnipeg led us to a visit of the new and impressive Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR). This long-awaited museum is a stunning landmark for Winnipeg. Entering between the “roots” of the building, one starts at the bottom, appropriately with an introduction to our mixed record […]
There aren’t too many of us who could say that they have read nearly everything written about inner healing prayer (in the Christian sense). As this was the subject of my doctoral studies, I waded deeply into this territory because I was convinced that there was something very important happening […]
So I’ve been reading a book by a relatively agnostic neuroscientist who suggests that pretty much everyone – believer or atheist – has their brain do positive, expansive, compassionate things that are good for them when asked to think about God. (In case you’re curious, those few who do not […]
It doesn’t get much better than the right kind of sad song that somehow leaves you, all at once, feeling like you’ve been stripped of your armour, yet you’re stronger, braver and more hopeful. For me, the music must fit, must open me up, stirring something deep inside. Good words, […]