Yesterday, I had a shallow hole cut in the centre of my chest. It was for a very low-risk biopsy; by itself, this is no news worth sharing. However, a little over a month earlier, I was sitting in my dermatologist’s waiting room to check out what was probably an […]
It seems to me that life is designed to be lived in the sweet spot. My first memory of the term comes from golf in which the “sweet spot” refers to that part of the face of the club that results in the perfect feel of the swing and response […]
Weak religion is a beautiful thing as long as, in spite of its imperfections, it resists the temptation to become hardened into bad religion. By “weak religion” I mean religious cultures that are necessarily flawed and imperfect, but flexible and alive. They will all slip occasionally into being “bad religions” […]
The more I study human sexuality, the more I am convinced that it is a uniquely beautiful gift largely because of the range of paradoxes that are (or can be) integrated through it. The sexual part of being human is magnificent and deeply passionate. It is also odd and messy. […]
What happens when more and more people start disconnecting from church as well as other forms of clubs and civic groups that provided a lot of the cohesion in past generations? It seems quite likely that when these folks retire and a few of their friends leave or die, the […]
It seems to me that a lot of human motivations are based on fear, self-centredness or both. I wonder if the best motivation for how we choose to live is to seek to live beautifully. Here is a quick look at some of the common options: 1. Earning someone’s approval […]
I God of sowing and reaping You created a universe of order and chaos with terrible beauty And it is very good All things are working together But it’s a wild mess Death and life entwined Your blessings raining on the just and the unjust We reap the fruit of […]
If the first word (displacement) represents the cause of the suffering and the second word (accompaniment) represents the path of those, Colombian or ex-pats, who seek to care and help, the third word represents the hope in the heart of the victims, and that word is resilience. I will tell […]
Seeking wholeness promises to be about as elusive as seeking happiness. There is something about concentrating on the pursuit that makes the desired goal all that much harder to find. But there are certain patterns, rhythms, and practices that we can build into our lives that seem to make the […]