the road to joy – a review

It’s an interesting experience reading a book and discovering an author with the same reading list as yourself. I also share with Kevin McClone, who wrote The Road to Joy, a similar career blend of teaching and practical application related to psychology, with measures of theological reflection and contemplative spirituality thrown into the mix. And this book, McClone’s first, is not entirely unlike my own exploration of wholeness (Glimpses of a Good Life).
It is no surprise, then, that McClone’s suggestions resonate with me. This book is an excellent introduction to increasing the possibilities of joy by attending to several pathways. These pathways seem to flow and overlap naturally from one to another. Liberally salted throughout each pathway are references and quotations from a diverse assortment of authors. (I say “diverse,” though I should add that the reading list might reflect an older generation and could possibly be diversified even more with input from younger colleagues.) Of course, one benefit of this type of writing is that all kinds of follow-up reading are possible for those who find themselves attracted to the authors whose ideas are introduced.
One possible downside of this style of writing is that so many authors are being cited so frequently that I missed hearing the author’s voice developing his own ideas a little more deeply. I think McClone’s thoughts and experience may end up a little buried or unexplored at times. But, then, this may simply be the natural perspective of a reader like myself who was already familiar with most of the sources.
So, for example, in a couple of favourite chapters (“Follow Your Deepest Desire” and “Integrity”), I felt that we were just introduced enough with interesting ideas to tease us. But then it is, after all, meant to be an introduction to the pathways that he suggests may lead a reader toward “psychospiritual transformation.” So, maybe a tease into further reading and exploration is exactly what’s intended.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.