I’m sad for the children and teens who live in families where they don’t feel safe to share their journeys of finding identity with their parents. And I’m sad that we don’t seem to know how to help such families, choosing rather to pit generations against each other. I’m sad […]
This is part 2 – my second “Wittgensteinian Essay”* exploring the phrase: “a compassionate consent to Reality.” You can find part 1 here. 1.“Reality” is the hard rock on which waves crash, and it is the soft welcome of a mother’s lap. Does it ask for consent? Refusal means denying […]
I’m using a writing format learned from peacemaker, John Paul Lederach (see his example), to explore a phrase that has become very important to me. I anticipate this to be the first of four parts – and the next one will explore what I mean by “Reality.” A Compassionate Consent […]
It’s an interesting experience reading a book and discovering an author with the same reading list as yourself. I also share with Kevin McClone, who wrote The Road to Joy, a similar career blend of teaching and practical application related to psychology, with measures of theological reflection and contemplative spirituality […]
Remember back when people defended truth? And postmodernists were the enemy for questioning it? Ah, the good ol’ days. With nostalgia, I remember the days when it felt radical to criticize “absolute truths.” Only ten years ago, I was sparring with a large Evangelical organization that initiated a campaign for […]
Many years ago, I wrote a Master’s thesis on how communities could be a healthy and necessary context for individual wholeness. During my undergrad years, I had been enamoured with the ideals of “intentional communities” that had sprung up throughout the 60s and 70s. Their track records were very mixed, […]
Yesterday, I had a shallow hole cut in the centre of my chest. It was for a very low-risk biopsy; by itself, this is no news worth sharing. However, a little over a month earlier, I was sitting in my dermatologist’s waiting room to check out what was probably an […]
In an attempt to create systemic justice, communists took my family’s land away in post-revolution Russia (in the region that is now Ukraine). My people (Mennonites) had been given the land by Catherine the Great because it was politically convenient for her to have safe, loyal farmers there. This put […]
This summer, I am researching and writing about contemplation and healing. I am also reading, this past week, about protesting across the US. One phrase that has been grounding my thinking about contemplation and healing is that the connection between the two is about our need for a “compassionate consent […]
We tolerate evil because we are afraid there is no alternative; we keep participating in great harm because we aren’t able to imagine any possible ways to stop. An apocalypse is meant to change this. The word “apocalypse” (which has understandably been trotted out a lot lately) means “revealing” or […]