It’s an interesting experience reading a book and discovering an author with the same reading list as yourself. I also share with Kevin McClone, who wrote The Road to Joy, a similar career blend of teaching and practical application related to psychology, with measures of theological reflection and contemplative spirituality […]

Welsh coast

Many years ago, I wrote a Master’s thesis on how communities could be a healthy and necessary context for individual wholeness. During my undergrad years, I had been enamoured with the ideals of “intentional communities” that had sprung up throughout the 60s and 70s. Their track records were very mixed, […]

cover painting of Brother John

I’ve always had a certain fascination for monastic life. A couple of my favourite movies (Of Gods and Men & The Mission) are all about monks, and I recently visited the monastic home of the inspiring Thomas Merton. So when I had the chance to review Brother John: A Monk, […]

[Apologies for the dormancy of my blog – I hope to give it a kickstart later in summer. But for now a book review]: As someone who has, for years, taught human sexuality at a university with many students who grew up with Kiss Dating Goodbye and virginity pledges, I […]

cameraman statue in Bratislava

The main reason I call myself a humanist* is because I believe God is too. Humanists put a high value on the freedom, beauty and experience of humanity, and this was true long before religious violence and oppression (especially in Europe after the Reformation) drove such a huge wedge between […]

book cover - a more christlike god

I remember a moment in my teens when I was struck by the simple verse in the Gospel of John: “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14.9). I started asking myself some questions: Why had I formed an image of God in which a very distant and […]

book cover

There aren’t too many of us who could say that they have read nearly everything written about inner healing prayer (in the Christian sense). As this was the subject of my doctoral studies, I waded deeply into this territory because I was convinced that there was something very important happening […]