We seem to forget this choosing as we let ourselves be lulled into drifting along. More and more, faster and faster, we give away our humanity and our place in the natural world. We forget that we are inspired bodies, meant to dig and gather to satisfy our hunger, meant […]
First of all, my self-conscious tendencies require that I tell you right from the start that a) my kind of self-consciousness may be very different from yours, and b) I wonder if this reveals a lot of pride on my part. My kind of self-consciousness, which I consider one of […]
I spent time today contemplating two images of bleak, down-and-out existence. One (from the film Una Noche) was based on life in Havana where the grim realities of a few young people leads to a foolish gamble on an ocean trip to a better life (I wonder if they knew […]
[an excerpt from my book, first written one New Years Day, to remind myself of all the reasons to keep walking as much as possible] Why Walking Will Save You It brings you into solidarity with people across time, across the world, across all people groups. It slows you down. […]